Monday I Woke Up Purple
From my head down to my toes
Don’t know how in the world I ended up turning such a funny shade of grape
I must’ve got some red mixed in my blues, and now I don’t know what to do
I said, “I guess it’s best that I just stay in bed today”
Oh, my mama said, “Don’t worry about it
Purple’s a fine way to be, don’t doubt it
The world needs more color anyhow
So, like a paint brush, go out and spread it around”
Well, my mama she never led me wrong
So I said, “I’ll be alright after all
Today I’m gonna be, the very best purple me I can be”
Tuesday I woke up square
I could not comb the corners from my hair
I had angles tangled in the sheets, and it put me in a mood
Oh what would all of my friends think about the shape I’m in
I could not have rolled out of bed even if I wanted to
Oh, my mama said, “Don’t worry about it
Square’s a fine way to be, don’t doubt it
The world could use more balance
And having equal sides, well maybe that’s your talent”
Well, my mama she never led me wrong
So I said, “I’ll be alright after all
Today I’m gonna be, the very best square me I can be”
Wednesday I woke up backwards
From the moment I got into gear I was stuck in reverse
I did not know whether I was coming or going or which way was right
How could I explain this to my friends
I don’t even know where to start, but I know just how this ends
I shook my head, and I said, “?me to happen this did Why”
Oh, my mama said, “Don’t worry about it
Backwards is a fine way to go, don’t doubt it
The world could use some direction so
Don’t be afraid to go against the flow”
Well, my mama she never led me wrong
So I said, “I’ll be alright after all
Today I’m gonna be, the very best backwards me I can be”
Thursday I woke up microscopic
I was no more than a speck, it defies all logic
How I could start off normal-sized and end up so miniscule
I was teeny weeny, you wouldn’t want to be me
Why should I go outside when no one could even see me
I shrunk back into bed and said, “I am not going to go to school”
Oh, my mama said, “Don’t worry about it
Microscopic’s a fine way to be, don’t doubt it
The world could use a little perspective
You’re the perfect size, don’t forget it”
Well, my mama she never led me wrong
So I said, “I’ll be alright after all
Today I’m gonna be, the very best microscopic me I can be”
Friday I woke up up-side-down
My head on the floor and my feet up in the clouds
I was a bit topsy-turvy and it was un-nerving me
How could I ever get through my day when I was flipped around that way
I pulled the covers back up over my feet and tried to go back to sleep
Oh, my mama said, ”Don’t worry about it
Upside-down’s just fine, don’t doubt it
The world could use another point of view
How you choose to stand, well that’s up to you”
Well, my mama she never led me wrong
So I said, “I’ll be alright after all
Today I’m gonna be, the very best upside-down me I can be”
Saturday I woke up just plain me
My same old elbows, my same old knees
It’ll be good to spend the weekend as myself for a change
Cause who knows what Monday will bring
Will I be bouncy or made of chocolate
Spinning around or polka-dotted
Will I be frozen or furry or invisible
Flat as a mat or 100 feet tall
Every day’s an adventure for me
I can never tell just what I’ll be
So today I’m gonna be the best me I can be